Mediocre meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mediocre
As adjective : अप्राख्य Ex:  Hes a mediocre candidate in all aspects.
आर्डिनरी Ex:  His academic success to this point was mediocre एकविध Ex:  Convinced that her career was being damaged by a succession of mediocre films औसत Ex:  Cervantes is often considered a mediocre poet उ:   औसत वर्षाकाल १२१ दिनों का है। चंचुप्रवेश Ex:  Casablanca is a very mediocre film". टकैया Ex:  A mediocre minds पंचमेल Ex:  A mediocre writer प्रकृत्थजीर्ण Ex:  Boileau believes in the art of writing it is not the mediocre degree at worst प्रायभव Ex:  Dine in potluck, In current chance of a good or a mediocre meal प्रायापयोगिक Ex:  From mediocre wine बालजातीय Ex:  He shot an advantageous match, a great party, a mediocre party this company बेलकत Ex:  It also means Who is above mediocre वोछा Ex:  It is also said to a man of mediocre value साधारण देश Ex:  Low price, mediocre price, low, below the regular price साधारण Ex:  String mediocre size for making nets उ:   १९१५ ग्रेगोरी कैलंडर का एक साधारण वर्ष है। साधारण्र Ex:  This actor, mediocre elsewhere , excels in charge of his comrades
Other : औसत दर्जे का Ex:  The Night of the Iguana to mostly mediocre reviews
Mediocre ki paribhasha : sngit ke saat svaron men se chautha svar vah ek baat ya gun jo kisi jaati ya varg ki sab chijon men samaan roop se paaya jaay sngit men ek saptak jisake svaron ka uchchaaran vakshasthal se knth ke andar ke sthaanon se kiya jaata hai vah snkhya jo kai sthaanon ki bhinn bhinn snkhyaaon ko jodne aur us jod ko, jitane sthaan hon utane se bhaag dene par nikalati ho bhaav prakaash ke anusaar vah pradesh jahaaan jngal adhik hon, paani adhik ho, rog adhik hon aur jaad tatha garami bhi adhik padti ho
Mediocre synonyms
decent so-so middling undistinguished uninspired second-rate ordinary dull inferior colorless conventional fair fair to middling humdrum indifferent insignificant intermediate mainstream mean medium moderate passable pedestrian run-of-the-mill standard tolerable unexceptional vanilla characterless fairish no great shakes of poor quality
Mediocre antonyms
excellent extraordinary first-rate unusual different exceptional superior
Usage of Mediocre in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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