Meaning of (बालजातीय) balajateeya in english

As noun : second class
rustic primitive Ex:  In terms of biology, he said, the Return of individuals modified by crossing, to the primitive type, after a number of generations general Ex:  Only two general censuses normal Ex:  Even under normal circumstances plebeian unpicked run of the mine run of the mill twopenny indifferent Ex:  Talking of the rain and the weather, talk, talk things indifferent threepenny quotidian mine run slight Ex:  It still says, colloquially, a slight appearance, or the smallest possible amount of a thing characterless twopenny halfpenny broad Ex:  Having broad minded, broad-minded, do not have preventions unremarkable second rate unstartling routine plain Ex:  Many of the suburbs of Cape Town are on the large plain of the Cape Flats simple Ex:  It consists of 18 complex fugues and canons based on a simple theme. unexceptional exoteric tuppeny familiar Ex:  Most familiar are the multicellular land plants, called embryophytes.
As adjective : mundane mediocre Ex:  He shot an advantageous match, a great party, a mediocre party this company modest Ex:  Niger's defense budget is modest featureless trivial Ex:  Language trivial homely common Ex:  Many of the practices of Tantric Buddhism are common with Hindu tantricism . private Ex:  Transportation between islands mostly relies on private boats. unspectacular sixpenny two a penny nondescript ordinary Ex:  The distinction can be illustrated thus: In their ordinary uses elementary Ex:  Algebra is much broader than elementary algebra and can be generalized. naff banal Ex:  This phrase is banal everyday Ex:  He became increasingly interested in the everyday people and scenes around him popular Ex:  Krabs's popular Krabby Patty burgers.
As adverb : mundanely so so
Suggested : being the first or earliest of the kind or in existence, especially in an early age of the world of, pertaining to, or living in the country, as distinguished from towns or cities rural the class of travel accommodations, as on a train, that are less costly and luxurious than first class but are more costly and luxurious than third class Compare cabin class having or showing a moderate or humble estimate of one's merits, importance, etc free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, or great pretensions of only ordinary or moderate quality neither good nor bad barely adequate
Exampleबालजातीय का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(बालजातीय) balajateeya can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : baalajaatiiya

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