Accidental meaning in malayalam

Word: Accidental

Meanings of Accidental in malayalam :

Adjective Apratheekshithamaaya (അപ്രതീക്ഷിതമായ)
Apradhaanamaaya (അപ്രധാനമായ) Aakasmikamaaya (ആകസ്‌മികമായ) Yaadruchchhikamaaya (യാദൃച്ഛികമായ)
Accidental definition
(music) a notation that makes a note sharp or flat or natural although that is not part of the key signature
associated by chance and not an integral part
Ex: poetry is something to which words are the accidental, not by any means the essential form
without intention; especially resulting from heedless action
Ex: with an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table
occurring or appearing or singled out by chance
Ex: their accidental meeting led to a renewal of their friendship
Related definition of Accidental

Kathaaprasamgam Topic Of Conversation , Its Tenor & Accidental Allusions .

Nymitthikam S . (nimittham) . Accidental . Ny'tthinnu Keauthukam Illa VetC . Nothing Wonderful In That Which Has A Cause .

Pakkacchol‍ (1) Accidental Word From A Neutral Person , Seized As Omen .

Related wordsAccidental - Apratheekshithamaaya (അപ്രതീക്ഷിതമായ) Accidentality - Aakasmikatha (ആകസ്‌മികത) Accidentally - Aakasmikamaayi (ആകസ്‌മികമായി)
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