Alveolar meaning in malayalam

Word: Alveolar

Meanings of Alveolar in malayalam :

Adjective Thulayulla (തുളയുള്ള)
Atukkarakalulla (അടുക്കറകളുള്ള) Palapaladvaarangalulla (പലപലദ്വാരങ്ങളുള്ള) Var‍thsya Sambandhiyaaya (വര്‍ത്സ്യ സംബന്ധിയായ) Atukkarakalulala (അടുക്കറകളുളള)
Alveolar definition
(linguistics,phonetics) a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the gum ridge
pertaining to the tiny air sacs of the lungs
pertaining to the alveolar ridge
Ex: alveolar consonant
Related wordsAlveolar - Thulayulla (തുളയുള്ള)
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