Antithesis meaning in malayalam

Word: Antithesis

Meanings of Antithesis in malayalam :

Adjective Viruddhamaaya (വിരുദ്ധമായ)
Noun Viruddhaalankaaram (വിരുദ്ധാലങ്കാരം) Ethiraayullathu (എതിരായുള്ളത്‌) Vireaadham (വിരോധം) Vireaadhaabhaasam (വിരോധാഭാസം) Vypareethyam (വൈപരീത്യം)
Antithesis definition
exact opposite
Ex: his theory is the antithesis of mine
(rhetoric) the juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas to give a feeling of balance
Related wordsAntithesis - Viruddhamaaya (വിരുദ്ധമായ)
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