Disagreement meaning in malayalam

Word: Disagreement

Meanings of Disagreement in malayalam :

Noun Viprathipatthi (വിപ്രതിപത്തി)
Visammatham (വിസമ്മതം) Bhinnaabhipraayam (ഭിന്നാഭിപ്രായം) Viyeaajippu (വിയോജിപ്പ്‌) Bhedam (ഭേദം) Vyathyaasam (വ്യത്യാസം) Bhinnippu (ഭിന്നിപ്പ്‌) Abhipraayavyathyaasam (അഭിപ്രായവ്യത്യാസം) Viyojippu (വിയോജിപ്പ്) Bhinnippu (ഭിന്നിപ്പ്)
Disagreement definition
a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters
a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions
Ex: a growing divergence of opinion
the speech act of disagreeing or arguing or disputing
Related definition of Disagreement

Nirappuketu Roughness ; Disagreement .

Maram Mar̀am T . AM . (maru) . Disagreement , War Maram Kilar‍ Ilankaventhan‍ RC . —

Yojyatha 1 . Connexion , Association . Bheethimo Haathadisamgayo . Kondu Manasu Etho Ru Vasham Cherum Bhg . Affected By The Influences Of Fear & Lust . 2 . Harmony , Friendly Feeling Anyonyam Yojyathakketuvaraathe TR . Disagreement .

Related wordsDisagreement - Viprathipatthi (വിപ്രതിപത്തി)
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