Flurried meaning in malayalam

Word: Flurried

Meanings of Flurried in malayalam :

Adjective Aake Thitukkappetta (ആകെ തിടുക്കപ്പെട്ട)
Flurried definition
a rapid bustling commotion
(meteorology) a light brief snowfall and gust of wind (or something resembling that)
Ex: he had to close the window against the flurries
Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 23838
move in an agitated or confused manner
cause to feel embarrassment
Ex: The constant attention of the young man confused her
Related definition of Flurried

DenV . Paribhramikka 1 . To Err About Kaana Ne Pa'ccheetuka Nal2 . 2 . To Be Flurried , Confused , Loose One's Wits V1 .

Venpuka 1 . To Be Very Hot V2 . 2 . To Be Burnt , Shrivel V1 . 3 . To Be In A Hurry , Flurried . B . Vemma T . (1oc . ) Heat ; = Venma (f . I . In Vemmattu) .

DenV . Sambhramikka To Be Flurried , Frightened Sam' Cchu Otinaar‍ Angum Ingum Bhg . Vaanavar‍ Sam'ccheetinaar‍ CG . Were Elated .

Related wordsFlurried - Aake Thitukkappetta (ആകെ തിടുക്കപ്പെട്ട)
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