Hardened meaning in malayalam

Word: Hardened

Meanings of Hardened in malayalam :

Adjective Kattiyaaya (കട്ടിയായ)
Kadteaaramaaya (കഠോരമായ) Kadtinamaayi (കഠിനമായി) Druddamaayi (ദൃഢമായി) Uraccha (ഉറച്ച) Druddeekarikkappetta (ദൃഢീകരിക്കപ്പെട്ട) Kadtinamaaya (കഠിനമായ)
Hardened definition
used of persons; emotionally hardened
Ex: faced a case-hardened judge
used of persons; emotionally hardened
Ex: faced a case-hardened judge
made tough by habitual exposure
Ex: hardened fishermen
made hard or flexible or resilient especially by heat treatment
Ex: a sword of tempered steel
converted to solid form (as concrete)
Related definition of Hardened

Athisthambhan‍ Aδistambhaǹ S . Hardened F . I . Raajyalobham Kondu Br P 25 .

Related wordsHardened - Kattiyaaya (കട്ടിയായ)
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