Hardness meaning in malayalam

Word: Hardness

Meanings of Hardness in malayalam :

Noun Urappu (ഉറപ്പ്‌)
Kaadtinyam (കാഠിന്യം)
Hardness definition
the quality of being difficult to do
Ex: he assigned a series of problems of increasing hardness
devoid of passion or feeling
the property of being rigid and resistant to pressure; not easily scratched; measured on Mohs scale
excessive sternness
Ex: severity of character
Related definition of Hardness

Karuma Karuma T . M . (I . Karu) 1 . Blackness V1 . 2 . Hardness , Sharpness Of Sword , Strength Of A Man = Katuma ; Nee Cheytha Karumakal‍ Bhr . Exploits .

Kaadtinyam Kāṭhinyam S . = Kadtinatha Hardness , Severity .

Related wordsHardness - Urappu (ഉറപ്പ്‌)
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