Harmless meaning in malayalam

Word: Harmless

Meanings of Harmless in malayalam :

Nir‍ddhoshamaaya (നിര്‍ദ്ദോഷമായ)
Adjective Nirupadravamaaya (നിരുപദ്രവമായ) Nir‍ddheaashamaaya (നിര്‍ദ്ദോഷമായ)
Harmless definition
not causing or capable of causing harm
Ex: harmless bacteria
unlikely to harm or disturb anyone
Ex: harmless old man
not injurious to physical or mental health
not producing any toxic effects
(pathology) not threatening to life or health; not malignant
Ex: a benign tumor is usually harmless
Related definition of Harmless

Uramaanam Uramānam (ura I . ) Rubbing . Uramaa Nam Cher‍tthittulla Njaayam A Word That Appears Harmless , But Rubs & Tries Deeply .

Theviyaan‍ , (also Called Thevi Goddess) . No . Contr . Theyyaan‍ . In Palg . Also Ayyappankutti . A Small Harmless Snake . (theyyaan‍ Kuti Cchaal‍ Anthikketthe Choru Muttum Loc . )

Vruthaa V/?/thā S . (vru Pleasing Oneself , Or Veru The?) . In Vain , Useless Dyvavishvaasam Vru . Bhaviccheetumo . Nal . Asthratthe Vru . Vaakki KR . Made It Nugatory , Harmless . Khedam Vru . VetC . Ithranaalum Vru . Jeevicchirikka Nal .

Related wordsHarmless - Nirupadravamaaya (നിരുപദ്രവമായ) Harmlessly - Nirupadravamaayi (നിരുപദ്രവമായി) Harmlessness - Nirupadravam (നിരുപദ്രവം)
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