Kidney meaning in malayalam

Word: Kidney

Meanings of Kidney in malayalam :

Noun Vrukka (വൃക്ക)
Moothraashayam (മൂത്രാശയം) Svaabhaavam (സ്വാഭാവം) Prakruthi (പ്രകൃതി) Tharam (തരം) Rakthatthe Shuddheekaricchu Moothram Ver‍thirikkunna Avayavam (രക്തത്തെ ശുദ്ധീകരിച്ച് മൂത്രം വേര്‍തിരിക്കുന്ന അവയവം)
Kidney definition
(anatomy,zoology) either of two bean-shaped excretory organs that filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and excrete them and water in urine; urine passes out of the kidney through ureters to the bladder
Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 18626
Related definition of Kidney

Uzhunnu U/?/unnu (T . Uzhunthu C . Te . Tu . Ur‍ddhu) Phaseolus Radiatus , Kidney Bean , Used For Pappa Tam . Uzhunnu Vilayittu MR . Uzhunnupayar‍ GP . — Kaattuzhunnu Phas . Maximus , Rh . Med . Root GP .

Thuni Tuni (C . Te . Bit = Thuni , T . Sickness) 1 . A Kind Of Gunma (see Gunmam) , Thuniennum Prathi Thuniennum Nid 13 . 2 . B . A Kidney .

Related wordsKidney - Vrukka (വൃക്ക) Kidney bean - Amarappayar‍ (അമരപ്പയര്‍) Kidney-bean - Van‍payar‍ (വന്‍പയര്‍) Kidney-machine - Vrukkayanthram (വൃക്കയന്ത്രം) Kidneys - Vrukkakal‍ (വൃക്കകള്‍)
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