Ligature meaning in malayalam

Word: Ligature

Meanings of Ligature in malayalam :

Koottakshara Acchu (കൂട്ടക്ഷര അച്ച്‌)
Noun Rakthavaahineebandham (രക്തവാഹിനീബന്ധം) Kettu (കെട്ട്‌)
Ligature definition
(surgery) thread used by surgeons to bind a vessel (as to constrict the flow of blood)
the act of tying things together
a metal band used to attach a reed to the mouthpiece of a clarinet or saxophone
(music) a group of notes connected by a slur
character consisting of two or more letters combined into one
something used to tie or bind
Related definition of Ligature

Pattika Paṭṭiγa 5 . S . ( = Pathrika , Fr . Pattam) ; 1 . A Band , Ligature . Soothrapa . A Metal Clasp ; Esp . A Lath , Shingle (of Wood , Vaari Of Bamboo) ; Pa . Tharekka . 2 . A List Muthal‍vivaram Pattika MR . ; Jamaapanthippa . TR . Any Catalogue , Indenture , Voucher , Etc . Kaaryasthanmaarute Maasappatippa . , Saadil‍vaarappa . Etc . Naattupa . A Map .

Related wordsLigature - Rakthavaahineebandham (രക്തവാഹിനീബന്ധം)
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