Muffled meaning in malayalam

Word: Muffled

Meanings of Muffled in malayalam :

Adjective Nishabdamaayi (നിശ്ശബ്‌ദമായി)
Naadaavareaadhakamaaya (നാദാവരോധകമായ) Occhayillaathe (ഒച്ചയില്ലാതെ) Atakkippiticcha (അടക്കിപ്പിടിച്ച) Adverb Atakkiya Shabdattheaate (അടക്കിയ ശബ്‌ദത്തോടെ) Verb Aticchamar‍tthuka (അടിച്ചമര്‍ത്തുക)
Muffled definition
being or made softer or less loud or clear
Ex: the dull boom of distant breaking waves
wrapped up especially for protection or secrecy
Ex: children muffled almost to the eyebrows
Related wordsMuffled - Aticchamar‍tthuka (അടിച്ചമര്‍ത്തുക)
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