Pellucid meaning in malayalam

Word: Pellucid

Meanings of Pellucid in malayalam :

Adjective Svachchhamaaya (സ്വച്ഛമായ)
Prasannamaaya (പ്രസന്നമായ) Nir‍mmalamaaya (നിര്‍മ്മലമായ) Thelinja (തെളിഞ്ഞ) Suthaaryamaaya (സുതാര്യമായ)
Pellucid definition
transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity
Ex: the cold crystalline water of melted snow
(of language) transparently clear; easily understandable
Ex: writes in a limpid style
Related wordsPellucid - Svachchhamaaya (സ്വച്ഛമായ) Pellucidity - Svachchhatha (സ്വച്ഛത)
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