Placid meaning in malayalam

Word: Placid

Meanings of Placid in malayalam :

Adjective Prashaanthamaaya (പ്രശാന്തമായ)
Saumyamaaya (സൗമ്യമായ) Shaanthamaaya (ശാന്തമായ) Kalangaattha (കലങ്ങാത്ത) Santhushtiyulla (സന്തുഷ്‌ടിയുള്ള) Manasvasthathayulla (മനഃസ്വസ്ഥതയുള്ള) Prasannamaaya (പ്രസന്നമായ) Santhushtiyulla (സന്തുഷ്ടിയുള്ള)
Placid definition
free from disturbance
Ex: a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay
not easily irritated
Ex: an equable temper
without untoward incident or disruption
Ex: a placid existence
not easily irritated
Ex: an equable temper
taking life easy
Ex: an easygoing man rarely stirred to anger
Related wordsPlacid - Prashaanthamaaya (പ്രശാന്തമായ) Placidity - Prashaanthatha (പ്രശാന്തത) Placidly - Prasannamaayi (പ്രസന്നമായി)
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