Presumption meaning in malayalam

Word: Presumption

Meanings of Presumption in malayalam :

Noun Anumaanam (അനുമാനം)
Theaannal‍ (തോന്നല്‍) Durahankaaram (ദുരഹങ്കാരം) Thantetam (തന്റേടം) Kal‍pana (കല്‍പന) Athikramapravrutthi (അതിക്രമപ്രവൃത്തി) Dhikkaaram (ധിക്കാരം) Auddhathyam (ഔദ്ധത്യം) Kalpana (കല്‌പന) Vichaaram (വിചാരം) Praagathbhyam (പ്രാഗത്ഭ്യം)
Presumption definition
an assumption that is taken for granted
(law) an inference of the truth of a fact from other facts proved or admitted or judicially noticed
a kind of discourtesy in the form of an act of presuming
Ex: his presumption was intolerable
audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to
Ex: he despised them for their presumptuousness
Related definition of Presumption

Thanmituma No . Fool-hardiness ; Presumption Tha . Parayalle = Aathmaprashamsa .

Thaayaattu Presumption , Spite ; Ill-turn . Thaa . Kaattu Nna Shishukkaletthaan‍ Thaadicchu Shikshicchu Va Lar‍kka Venam CC . Insolent Children .

VN . Natippu 1 . Acting A Part , Pretence . 2 . Passion & The Way It Shows Itself . Natippu Kaanaam Pinne Bhr . Their Presumption . Natippu Thonni A Strange Feeling , Chiefly Indignation .

Related wordsPresumption - Anumaanam (അനുമാനം)
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