Prodigy meaning in malayalam

Word: Prodigy

Meanings of Prodigy in malayalam :

Noun Dhoor‍tthan‍ (ധൂര്‍ത്തന്‍)
Athbhuthagunam (അത്ഭുതഗുണം) Buddhisaamar‍ththyam (ബുദ്ധിസാമര്‍ത്ഥ്യം) Athbhuthaganam (അത്ഭുതഗണം) Apoor‍vvavasthu (അപൂര്‍വ്വവസ്തു) Athbhuthavasthu (അത്ഭുതവസ്തു)
Prodigy definition
an impressive or wonderful example of a particular quality
Ex: the Marines are expected to perform prodigies of valor
a sign of something about to happen
Ex: he looked for an omen before going into battle
an unusually gifted or intelligent (young) person; someone whose talents excite wonder and admiration
Ex: she is a chess prodigy
Related definition of Prodigy

Ulpaatham Ulpāδam S . (ulpathikka) Jump , Prodigy , Portent Kelpaar‍nna U . Oronnu Vannu CG .

Related wordsProdigy - Dhoor‍tthan‍ (ധൂര്‍ത്തന്‍)
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