Rendering meaning in malayalam

Word: Rendering

Meanings of Rendering in malayalam :

Thar‍jjama (തര്‍ജ്ജമ)
Noun Bhaashaantharam (ഭാഷാന്തരം)
Rendering definition
(music,performing arts) a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic role etc.
Ex: they heard a live rendition of three pieces by Schubert
(performing arts) the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance
Ex: her rendition of Milton' s verse was extraordinarily moving
(psychology) an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious
Ex: the edict was subject to many interpretations
(linguistics) a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first language
(fine art) perspective drawing of an architect's design
a coat of stucco applied to a masonry wall
(business) giving in acknowledgment of obligation
Related wordsRendering - Thar‍jjama (തര്‍ജ്ജമ)
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