Ridiculed meaning in malayalam

Word: Ridiculed

Meanings of Ridiculed in malayalam :

Adjective Parihasikkappetta (പരിഹസിക്കപ്പെട്ട)
Ridiculed definition
language or behavior intended to mock or humiliate
the act of deriding or treating with contempt
subject to laughter or ridicule
Ex: The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house
Related definition of Ridiculed

Puchhsham Puččham S . The Tail (see Pichhsham) . A Thu Puchhsham No . = Nisaaram . Enne Puchhshaakki Despised , Vilified , Ridiculed Me ; So: DenV . , Puchhshicchu Kalanju , Puchhsheekaricchu .

Related wordsRidiculed - Parihasikkappetta (പരിഹസിക്കപ്പെട്ട)
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