Shrunken meaning in malayalam

Word: Shrunken

Meanings of Shrunken in malayalam :

Chungiya (ചുങ്ങിയ)
Churungiya (ചുരുങ്ങിയ) Adjective Sankuchithamaaya (സങ്കുചിതമായ) Shushkiccha (ശുഷ്‌കിച്ച)
Shrunken definition
(medicine,psychology,psychiatry,work) a physician who specializes in psychiatry
wither, esp. with a loss of moisture
Ex: The fruit dried and shriveled
draw back, as with fear or pain
Ex: she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf
reduce in size; reduce physically
Ex: Hot water will shrink the sweater
become smaller or draw together
Ex: The fabric shrank
decrease in size, range, or extent
Ex: His earnings shrank
Related wordsShrunken - Chungiya (ചുങ്ങിയ)
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