Sky-high meaning in malayalam

Word: Sky-high

Meanings of Sky-high in malayalam :

Adjective Ettavum Athyunnathamaaya (ഏറ്റവും അത്യുന്നതമായ)
Ettavum Peaakkamulla (ഏറ്റവും പൊക്കമുള്ള) Athyunnathamaaya (അത്യുന്നതമായ) Ettavum Pokkamulla (ഏറ്റവും പൊക്കമുള്ള) Adverb Unnathamaayi (ഉന്നതമായി)
Sky-high definition
in a lavish or enthusiastic manner
Ex: he extolled her virtues sky-high
(with verb "to blow") destroyed completely; blown apart or to pieces
Ex: they blew the bridge sky-high
to a very high level
Ex: prices have gone sky-high
Related wordsSky-high - Ettavum Athyunnathamaaya (ഏറ്റവും അത്യുന്നതമായ)
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