Smarten meaning in malayalam

Word: Smarten

Meanings of Smarten in malayalam :

Verb Parishakarikkuka (പരിഷകരിക്കുക)
Meaatiyaakkuka (മോടിയാക്കുക) Meaati Varutthuka (മോടി വരുത്തുക) Samar‍ththamaakkuka (സമര്‍ത്ഥമാക്കുക) Parishkarikkuka (പരിഷ്കരിക്കുക) Motiyaakkuka (മോടിയാക്കുക) Vetippuvarutthuka (വെടിപ്പുവരുത്തുക)
Smarten definition
Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 1049
(medicine) a kind of pain such as that caused by a wound or a burn or a sore
be the source of pain
showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness
elegant and stylish
Ex: chic elegance
characterized by quickness and ease in learning
Ex: some children are brighter in one subject than another
improperly forward or bold
Ex: don' t be fresh with me
improperly forward or bold
Ex: don' t be fresh with me
of or associated with people of fashion
Ex: the smart set
marked by smartness in dress and manners
Ex: a dapper young man
marked by smartness in dress and manners
Ex: a dapper young man
Related wordsSmarten - Parishakarikkuka (പരിഷകരിക്കുക) Smarten up oneself - Aakar‍shakamaakkuka (ആകര്‍ഷകമാക്കുക)
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