Sprinkling meaning in malayalam

Word: Sprinkling

Meanings of Sprinkling in malayalam :

Noun Thalippu (തളിപ്പ്‌)
Chaaral‍ (ചാറല്‍) Aasechanam (ആസേചനം) Ethaanum Chila (ഏതാനും ചില) Abhikshekam (അഭിക്ഷേകം) Thar‍ppanam (തര്‍പ്പണം) Sechanam (സേചനം) Verb Thalikkal‍ (തളിക്കല്‍)
Sprinkling definition
a small number dispersed haphazardly
Ex: 4 the first scatterings of green
(religion,Christianity) the act of sprinkling water in baptism (rare)
(meteorology) a light shower that falls in some locations and not others nearby
the act of sprinkling or splashing water
Ex: baptized with a sprinkling of holy water
Related definition of Sprinkling

Abhishekam Abhišēγam S . Sprinkling With Water , Inauguration Or Consecration By Pouring Oil , Ghee , Rice , Pearls , Etc . On The Head Of Idols , Kings , Etc . Pattaabhishekam Gur‍vabhishekam Etc . A . Cheyka Matiyaathe KR . Get Thysolf Crowned . Randu Raajyatthinkalekkum A . Cheyyicchu Mud . Crowned Him King Over Both Countries .

DenV . Aanandikka To Rejoice . Vellam (thottu) Aa . . A Nāyer Custom , Sprinkling Every Morning 7 Times The Water Of Their Tank Into The Face .

Upastharanam Ubastaraṇam S . Sprinkling , Strewing ; Condiments As Ghee .

Related wordsSprinkling - Thalippu (തളിപ്പ്‌)
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