Stem meaning in malayalam

Word: Stem

Meanings of Stem in malayalam :

Thandu (തണ്ട്)
Paranpara (പരന്പര) Dhaathuudbhavikkuka (ധാതുഉദ്ഭവിക്കുക) Noun Thati (തടി) Kaandam (കാണ്‌ഡം) Thaaytthati (തായ്‌ത്തടി) Prakaandam (പ്രകാണ്‌ഡം) Santhathi (സന്തതി) Thaazhvazhi (താഴ്‌വഴി) Prakruthi (പ്രകൃതി) Moolapadam (മൂലപദം) Parampara (പരമ്പര) Tharavaatu (തറവാട്‌) Dhaathu (ധാതു) Vyn‍glaasinte Neriya Thandu (വൈന്‍ഗ്ലാസിന്റെ നേരിയ തണ്ട്‌) Dhaathupadam (ധാതുപദം) Prathyayamillaatthaprakruthi (പ്രത്യയമില്ലാത്തപ്രകൃതി) Kaandam (കാണ്ഡം) Vyn‍glaasin‍re Neriya Thandu (വൈന്‍ഗ്ലാസിന്‍റെ നേരിയ തണ്ട്) Verb Thatukkuka (തടുക്കുക) Thatasam Cheyyuka (തടസ്സം ചെയ്യുക) Ethir‍tthu Chelluka (എതിര്‍ത്തു ചെല്ലുക) Murikkuka (മുറിക്കുക) Prathireaadhikkuka (പ്രതിരോധിക്കുക) Koottaakkaathe Mumpeaattu Chelluka (കൂട്ടാക്കാതെ മുമ്പോട്ടു ചെല്ലുക) Pravaaham Thatayuka (പ്രവാഹം തടയുക) Udbhavikkuka (ഉദ്‌ഭവിക്കുക)
Stem definition
(linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed
Ex: thematic vowels are part of the stem
(botany) a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ
cylinder forming a long narrow part of something
a turn made in skiing; the back of one ski is forced outward and the other ski is brought parallel to it
the tube of a tobacco pipe
Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 17968
(nautical) front part of a vessel or aircraft
Ex: he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line
grow out of, have roots in, originate in
Ex: The increase in the national debt stems from the last war
remove the stem from
Ex: for automatic natural language processing, the words must be stemmed
cause to point inward
Ex: stem your skis
as of the flow of a liquid flowing, such as blood from a wound
Related definition of Stem

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Kanda Kaṇḍa M . Tu . (C . Gadda . S . Kandam) 1 . Bulbous Root As Of Lotus , Plantain , Koova , Chenpu ; Kanda Yum Vitthum Prov . (kandayil‍ninnu Koonpum Vi Tthum Undaakum) . 2 . The Point Where Branches & Bunches Grow Out Of The Stem Of A Palm = Kural‍—ka . Kanam Kuranjathu , Ka . Ookkundu . Met . Kandakaanjavan‍ Steady , Stubborn , Perverse ; Nin‍re Kandathaararikkalayum I Shall Break Your Neck .

Kaandam Kāṇ/?/am S . (= Kaanpu) 1 . Stem , Stalk Ooru Kaa'ngal‍ CG . 2 . Knot , Joint ; Chapter , Book , F . I . 3 In Amara Simha , 6 In Rāmāyaṇam Uttharatthotukooti ൭ Kaa'maayathu KR . ; All Science Is Divided Into Jnjaanakaa . &kar‍mmakaa . Theoretical & Practical Knowledge . Tatw .

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