Underhand meaning in malayalam

Word: Underhand

Meanings of Underhand in malayalam :

Adjective Marinjuthirinjulla (മറിഞ്ഞുതിരിഞ്ഞുള്ള)
Gooddamaaya (ഗൂഢമായ) Pareaakshakruthamaaya (പരോക്ഷകൃതമായ) Kutilamaaya (കുടിലമായ) Vanchanayaaya (വഞ്ചനയായ) Ullaaleyulla (ഉള്ളാലെയുള്ള) Nindyamaaya (നിന്ദ്യമായ) Vyaajamaaya (വ്യാജമായ)
Underhand definition
(sports) with hand brought forward and up from below shoulder level
Ex: an underhand pitch
marked by deception
Ex: achieved success in business only by underhand methods
with the hand swung below shoulder level'
Ex: throwing a ball underarm
slyly and secretly
Ex: Mean revenge, committed underhand
Related definition of Underhand

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Related wordsUnderhand - Marinjuthirinjulla (മറിഞ്ഞുതിരിഞ്ഞുള്ള) Underhanded - Vanchanaaparamaaya (വഞ്ചനാപരമായ)
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