Variance meaning in malayalam

Word: Variance

Meanings of Variance in malayalam :

Shandta (ശണ്‌ഠ)
Vyathyasthatha (വ്യത്യസ്തത) Yojippillaayma (യോജിപ്പില്ലായ്മ) Abhipraayabhinnatha (അഭിപ്രായഭിന്നത) Noun Viparyaayam (വിപര്യായം) Viprathipatthi (വിപ്രതിപത്തി) Abhipraayavyathyaasam (അഭിപ്രായവ്യത്യാസം) Vivaadam (വിവാദം) Vyathyasthatha (വ്യത്യസ്‌തത) Vyathyaasam (വ്യത്യാസം) Bhedam (ഭേദം) Maattam (മാറ്റം) Kalaham (കലഹം)
Variance definition
the quality of being subject to variation
a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions
Ex: a growing divergence of opinion
(mathematics,statistics) the second moment around the mean; the expected value of the square of the deviations of a random variable from its mean value
discord that splits a group
an event that departs from expectations
an activity that varies from a norm or standard
Ex: any variation in his routine was immediately reported
Related definition of Variance

VN . Pakappu Distance , Variance , Hostility ; Also Surprise .

Pinakkuka T . So . 1 . To Entangle Nool‍ Pinakki V1 . 2 . To Set At Variance .

Related wordsVariance - Viparyaayam (വിപര്യായം)
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