Weakness meaning in malayalam

Word: Weakness

Meanings of Weakness in malayalam :

Kuravu (കുറവ്)
Adjective Praleaabhanatthe Cherukkaan‍ Kazhivillaattha (പ്രലോഭനത്തെ ചെറുക്കാന്‍ കഴിവില്ലാത്ത) Noun Shakthikshayam (ശക്തിക്ഷയം) Asaamar‍ththyam (അസാമര്‍ത്ഥ്യം) Daur‍balyam (ദൗര്‍ബല്യം) Ashakthi (അശക്തി) Thalar‍ccha (തളര്‍ച്ച) Daur‍bbalyam (ദൗര്‍ബ്ബല്യം) Vykalyam (വൈകല്യം) Paaliccha (പാളിച്ച)
Weakness definition
a flaw or weak point
Ex: he was quick to point out his wife' s failings
powerlessness revealed by an inability to act
Ex: in spite of their weakness the group remains highly active
the property of lacking physical or mental strength; liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain
Ex: his weakness increased as he became older
the condition of being financially weak
Ex: the weakness of the dollar against the yen
a penchant for something even though it might not be good for you
Ex: he has a weakness for chocolate
Related definition of Weakness

Aruthaayka , — Yma 1 . Impropriety . 2 . Impossibility . Arakkanotu Ninnukol‍varuthaayma Yaal‍ RC 57 . Kaanaruthaaykayum Illa Thaanum CG . You May However See Him . 3 . Weakness . Ere Bhujicchullaruthaayka PT .

Ashakthi Weakness .

VN . I . Ketuthi 1 . Ruin , Danger (athinnum Oru Ke . Avannilla AR . ) 2 . Weakness , Misery (= Ketu Q . V . )

Related wordsWeakness - Shakthikshayam (ശക്തിക്ഷയം)
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