Woe! meaning in malayalam

Word: Woe!

Meanings of Woe! in malayalam :

Interjection Au! (ഔ!)
Related definition of Woe!

Kashtam Kašṭam S . 1 . Hard , Bad , Painful . 2 . Hardship , Trouble , Toil . Cheythathu Kashtamathre Anj . It's A Shame ; Often Interj . Ka . Ka . . GnP . What A Pity! Ayyoka . Anj . Alas! Fie! Woe! Entho Ru Ka . Bhr . Ka . Vekka So . To Lay The Forefinger Upon The Nose In Expression Of Surprise Or Sorrow .

Dhika Dhik S . Fie! Woe! Dhigasthu Nidrayum Dhi Gasthu Buddhiyum Dhigasthu Janmayum KR . ; Dhika Dhigathyantham Krooram Chittham Naarikal‍kku AR .

Re Rē S . Oh! Fie! Woe! Rere Dhrutharaashaatraathmaja ChVr .

Related wordsWoe! - Au! (ഔ!)
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