ancient meaning in marathi

Word: ancient
Meaning of ancient in english - old, often very old

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
praachin ( प्राचीन )
As adjective :
praak ( प्राक )
Synonyms of ancient
antique age-old venerable hoary old-fashioned timeworn archaic antediluvian bygone elderly fossil relic aged remote antiquated early moth-eaten obsolete older out-of-date outmoded primal primeval primordial rusty superannuated oldie back number been around creaky few miles on lot of mileage old goat
Antonyms of ancient
modern current young new
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
and likewiseandangerangrilyanguish due to separation from a loved oneanguishedanimal sacrificeanimalanimals tailanimate beingankleanklet carrying badges of ones victories and types of prowessanklet on which to hang little images of the foes one has conqueredanklet stamped with images of ones conquered foes see raeside gr p 91 n 2anklet stamped with images of ones conquered foesanklet with bellsankletannihilationannihilatorannouncement of good newsannouncementannual payment for washing clothesanointedanointinganother name for cakradharas devotee lākhāïse by casteanother name of the place āvaḍhā-nāganātha koanother sectanotheranswerant hill