birth meaning in marathi

Word: birth
Meaning of birth in english - becoming alive, beginning, heritage

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
janm ( जन्म )
prasauuo ( प्रसउ--ओ )
Synonyms of birth
delivery childbirth creation bearing travail childbearing labor birthing nascency producing parturition act of God blessed event natality nativity visit from stork origin emergence dawn opening outset dawning source rise genesis onset start commencement fountainhead parentage lineage legacy descent genealogy extraction station ancestry rank strain race status blood background pedigree position breeding stock derivation forebears
Antonyms of birth
death ending conclusion finish completion
Identical words :
As noun :
birthplace - janmabhoe ( जन्मभोए )
birthday - vaadhaten ( वाढतें )
birth and death - rigunigu ( रिगुनिगु )
birthday celebration - vaadhaten ( वाढतें )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
birthday celebrationbirthdaybirthplacebit by bitbit of betel nutbit of fleshbit of happinessbit of left-over foodbit of torn clothbit of twisted wheat doughbitbite or morsel of foodbite-sized piece of vegetable dipped in batter and friedbitebits and piecesbitsbitten by a snakebitter applebitterbitternessbiḍkīn si i 1 2black and rottenblack beeblack gemblack ironblack magic rites in the atharva vedablack magicblack poisonous snakeblack powder composed of fragrant substancesblack spot