complete army meaning in marathi

Word: complete army

Meanings in marathi :

akshauhini ( अक्षौहिणी )
विविध सेनासमूह
Marathi to English
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Related English Marathi Meaning
complete destructioncomplete in all detailscomplete renunciationcomplete satisfactioncompletecompletely helplesscompletely in sthiti a trancecompletely intoxicatedcompletelycompletenesscompletion ceremonycompletioncomplexioncomplexitycomplicationcomposed in marāṭhīcomposed of the five elements the human bodycomposed of the five elementscomposed of three linescompositioncompound wallcompound wordcomprehensioncompusureconcealedconcealmentconcentratedconcentrating mentallyconcentrating on a point between ones eyebrowsconcentration of the mind