delirium meaning in marathi

Word: delirium
Meaning of delirium in english - madness

Meanings in marathi :

sannipaat ( सन्निपात )
कफ-वात-पित्त यांच्या प्रक्षोभाने होणारा रोग
Synonyms of delirium
hallucination fever dementia hysteria aberration fury ardor derangement rage insanity ecstasy mania passion fervor enthusiasm zeal frenzy raving lunacy furor
Antonyms of delirium
soundness calm happiness coldness coolness indifference calmness dislike apathy lethargy saneness peace
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
deluded statedeludeddeludingdemand for repayment of a debtdemanddemondemonicdendense bushesdensedeparturedependencedependency and other faults deriving from the embodied state of human naturedependent on othersdependentdependentsdepending upon the one ātmandeposit of moneydepositdepositeddepositing of divine power in objects that come into contact with a divine incarnationdepresseddepthdeputed by himdeputizationdeputy teacher authorized by goddeputyderelictiondescendantsdescent of a god