fantastic meaning in marathi

Word: fantastic
Meaning of fantastic in english - strange, different, imaginary, enormous, wonderful, excellent

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
vilakshan ( विलक्षण )
adbhut ( अद्भुत )
Synonyms of fantastic
insane imaginative unbelievable singular incredible ludicrous grotesque crazy unreal preposterous outlandish ridiculous fanciful absurd implausible weird odd exotic artificial capricious chimerical comical eccentric erratic extravagant extreme far-fetched foolish foreign freakish illusive irrational mad misleading nonsensical out of sight peculiar quaint queer unlikely wacky whimsical fictional hallucinatory suppositious phantasmagorical tremendous huge great overwhelming humongous massive monstrous monumental prodigious severe stupendous towering cracking sensational first-rate awesome superb marvelous delicious best far out first-class out of this world A-1 best ever like wow primo
Antonyms of fantastic
rational sane unimaginative believable credible plausible real usual logical sensible commonplace customary tiny unpleasant balanced reasonable normal ordinary regular realistic familiar serious conventional plain little small bad poor insignificant unimportant miniature minute inferior
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