heap of chickpea plants meaning in marathi

Word: heap of chickpea plants

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
kadap ( कडप )
हरबऱ्याच्या झाडांचा ढीग
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
headresthealthyheap of garbage where donkeys wallowheap of grain and grassheap of meritheap of particlesheap of sandheap of stonesheap of uprooted chickpea plantsheardhearinghearsayheart-to-heart talkheartbrokenheartfelt desireheat-and-light one of the five elementsheatingheave hoheapheavenly pleasuresheaving and swelling of a body of waterheartlessheatheavenheavinessheavy and continuous rainheavy breathingheavy chainheavy rainfallheavy round stone