hearing meaning in marathi

Word: hearing

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
pravesan ( प्रवेसन )
shravan ( श्रवण )
ऐकू येणे
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
heart-to-heart talkheartbrokenheartfelt desireheat-and-light one of the five elementsheatingheave hoheapheavenly pleasuresheaving and swelling of a body of waterheartlessheatheavenheavinessheavy and continuous rainheavy breathingheavy chainheavy rainfallheavy round stoneheavingheavy rainheavy shower of rainheavy spearheavyheelhefty uncouth personheftyheightheir apparentheld in the handhell called raurava