imprint meaning in marathi

Word: imprint
Meaning of imprint in english - impression, symbol, stamp

Meanings in marathi :

shika ( शिका )
thasa ( ठसा )
Synonyms of imprint
signature emblem name trace influence effect dent design indentation trademark print banner heading etch inscribe engrave fix offset establish
Antonyms of imprint
destroy unsettle
Identical words :
imprint made on dust - raangavali ( रांगवळी )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
imprisonmentimprobableimpromptu poetical compositionimproper behaviourimproper timeimproprietyimpure goldimpure substanceimpureimpurityin a challenging mannerin a day or twoin a different directionin a drizzlein a flowin a leisurely mannerin a prickling mannerin a questioning tonein a state of piningin a surgein a sweet voicein a trance-like statein a trancein a tricein a wayin a well-decked-out fashionin a yogic trancein accordance within additionin all aspects