maiden meaning in marathi

Word: maiden
Meaning of maiden in english - earliest

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
baali ( बाळी )
Synonyms of maiden
introductory inaugural prime initial primary pioneer beginning original first fresh intact new untried unused initiatory unbroached
Antonyms of maiden
last concluding latest
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
maidservant who carries an umbrellamaidservant who holds an umbrellamaidservant who leads the waymaidservant who removes the dirty plates after a mealmaidenmaidservant who tells the timemaidservant who waves a fanmaidservant who waves a fly whiskmaidservants maidservant used as a term of abusemain gatemainmajor festivalmake-upmaidservantmainlymaintenancemaker of arrowsmaker of bell-metal potsmaker of jaggerymaking a bubbling soundmaking a clattering or chattering soundmaking a cracking soundmaking a horse move slowly and quickly by turnsmaking a snoring soundmaking a wreathmaking an empty parademaking facesmaking someone listen to somethingmaking someone understand somethingmaking the sound x