maidservant meaning in marathi
Word: maidservant
Identical words :
maidservant who tells the time - avasarini ( अवसरिणी )
maidservant who leads the way - kholati ( खोलती )
maidservant who waves a fly whisk - chavaradharini ( चवरधरिणी )
maidservant who removes the dirty plates after a meal - taatakaadhi ( ताटकाढी )
maidservants maidservant used as a term of abuse - padadaasi ( पडदासी )
maidservant who carries an umbrella - baarini ( बारिणी )
maidservant who waves a fan - vijanekaari ( वीजणेकारी )
maidservant who holds an umbrella - saatidhari ( सातिधरी )
maidservant belonging to the śudra caste - sudri ( सुद्री )
maidservant who leads the way - kholati ( खोलती )
maidservant who waves a fly whisk - chavaradharini ( चवरधरिणी )
maidservant who removes the dirty plates after a meal - taatakaadhi ( ताटकाढी )
maidservants maidservant used as a term of abuse - padadaasi ( पडदासी )
maidservant who carries an umbrella - baarini ( बारिणी )
maidservant who waves a fan - vijanekaari ( वीजणेकारी )
maidservant who holds an umbrella - saatidhari ( सातिधरी )
maidservant belonging to the śudra caste - sudri ( सुद्री )
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