male attendant meaning in marathi

Word: male attendant

Meanings in marathi :

saavaasi ( सावासी )
निकटवर्ती सेवक
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
male buffalomale calfmale cookmale dancermale dogmale elephantmale friendmale goblinmale human beingmale nursemale servantmale sparrowmale water buffalomalevolencemalicious gossipman and godman enslaved to his familyman from gujarātmaliciousman from the lāṭ regionman given to sensual pleasuresman wearing womens clothingman who beats a drum and makes announcementsman who brings ruin on his familyman who collects firewoodman who does not recite the vedasman who draws water from a wellman who eats one and a half pieces of roṭī bread at a timeman who dances holding a bride and bridegroom on his shouldersman who fights alone against ten thousand soldiers