nap meaning in marathi

Word: nap
Meaning of nap in english - short, light sleep, grain of material, take a short, light sleep

Meanings in marathi :

vohari ( वोहरी )
Synonyms of nap
intermission pause nod catnap spot rest interlude break doze respite shuteye siesta snooze forty winks microsleep few z's wale fiber grit feel warp roughness down outside pile surface tooth smoothness weave weft woof shag relax rack drop off drowse catch forty winks get some shut-eye nod off take a siesta take a snooze
Antonyms of nap
continuation inside interior
Identical words :
As noun :
napkin - khaandova ( खांडोवा )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
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