or meaning in marathi

Word: or

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
va ( वा )
आठवड्याचा वार
kinva ( किंवा )
Identical words :
or body colour - angaraag ( अंगराग )
ornament - vop ( वोप )
oral performance - aaikavanen ( आइकवणें )
orchard - vaadivaadi ( वाडि-वाडी )
organ of the body - indriy ( इंद्रिय )
ornamented - svalankrit ( स्वळंकृत )
orchard of tamarind trees - chichaset ( चीचसेत )
ornamental mark - tilak ( टीलक )
oral message - tondanirop ( तोंडनिरोप )
originally existent - thit ( थित )
ordeal - div ( दीव )
ordinary - saadhaaran ( साधारण )
orange tree - naarangi ( नारंगी )
order - bag ( बग )
orphan but ko - paadaken ( पाडकें )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
ororal performanceorange treeorationoratoryorchard in a forestorchard of tamarind treesorchardordealorderordinaryorgan of senseorgan of the bodyoriginally existentornamental demon head carved at the doorway of a templeornamental markornamentationornamentornamented languageornamentedorphan but koorphanedospreyostracismother religious ways besides that of brahmavidyāotherwiseour excluding the second person and including only the first and third personsout of a groupotherour