power meaning in marathi

Word: power

Meanings in marathi :

samarthavaad ( समर्थवाद )
Identical words :
powerful - biliya ( बिळिया )
powerful medicine - rasaraao ( रसराओ )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
powerful medicinepracticalpractice in haṭha yogaprahlāda a devotee of lord viṣṇupowerfulpracticepraiseprattleprattlingprayer for peaceprayer or mantra recited at sunsetprayerprayingpre-eminencepreacherpreceding and followingpreceptor of five familiespreceptor who initiates that is transforms iron into goldpreceptorprecious stoneprecipicepredictionpreferencesprefix denoting divinity royalty or auspiciousnessprefix of negationpregnant animalpregnant womanprejudiced against godpregnantprenatal ritual