On the spot meaning in hindi

How to pronounce On the spot
As noun : संकट में Ex:  , Pay cash, on the spot Making good or ill offices that received
As adverb :
अंजसा Ex:  we hired her on the spot अक्षु Ex:  I hate to be on the spot when it's not my fault . आरात् Ex:  Don't put me on the spot . ऐकद्य Ex:  This was treated on the spot with carbon tetrachloride चटपट Ex:  About 250,000 were set free by the army almost on the spot जूद Ex:  Greenwade wanted to sign Mickey on the spot but झटितिपु Ex:  Chops minute, grilled chops served promptly and on the spot ततकरा Ex:  He stayed two thousand men in the square, two thousand were killed on the spot where the fight is given to तुरंत Ex:  It also said the word appeared, found at the end of my pen, He offered naturally to my mind and I wrote it on the spot उ:   इसके बाद उसने तुरंत अपनी आंखे डक ली। सटाका Ex:  , take someone off the cuff, Wanting to force him to do something on the spot सद Ex:  Délibéré on the spot हथाहथी हाथाहाथी
Other : मौके पर Ex:  This was emptied, was decided on the spot वहीं Ex:  Well, what do you decide? We decided to leave on the spot उ:   वहीं तीन पिंडियों के दर्शन भी होते हैं।
Usage of On the spot in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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