Meaning of (ऐकद्य) aikadya in english

As noun : quick Ex:  This soup is just the ticket for a quick lunch .
prompt Ex:  Art to write by conventional signs, as prompt a manner that the word on the spur of the moment earnest rapid Ex:  Cannon fire was so rapid prompt Ex:  Art to write by conventional signs, as prompt a manner that the word express Ex:  Automobiles for individuals were also handled by express in closed boxcars. instant Ex:  Many of Google's employees became instant paper millionaires. straight off straightaway now Ex:  Her former friends now avoid her right Ex:  Many of his claims were either outright lies or distorted half-truths. pronto go forthwith fast Ex:  An officer cited the driver for driving too fast . offhandedly concurrently Ex:  The lieutenant governor is concurrently the Secretary of State of Hawaii. side by side
As adjective : immediate Ex:  The response was immediate and cruel. outright Ex:  Many of his claims were either outright lies or distorted half-truths. active Ex:  He is an active and known personality in aesthetics. just Ex:  Soniya family, that just had the sixtuplets. urgent Ex:  Confronting someone from the sin of sloth, by the force of the criticisms, urgent orders, threats, to work, to better fulfill its duties
As adverb : immediately Ex:  I will pack the books off to you immediately . instantly Ex:  Scott was killed instantly promptly Ex:  The British government promptly recognised the new monarchy on the spot Ex:  This was treated on the spot with carbon tetrachloride outright Ex:  Many of his claims were either outright lies or distorted half-truths. quickly Ex:  her reinstatement to her former office followed quickly straightway offhand abreast hand in hand Ex:  They walked down the street hand in hand .
Other : inter Ex:  Sed quaero a Te et Toto orbe differentiam genericam inter hominem et Simiam
Suggested : complete or total occurring or accomplished without delay instant done, performed, delivered, etc, at once or without delay done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity, as an action, process, etc prompt immediate without lapse of time without delay instantly at once
Exampleऐकद्य का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(ऐकद्य) aikadya can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : aikadya

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