Piece meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Piece
As noun : अँतर Ex:  i collect piece of stone.
अंगढ़ग Ex:  an important piece of the evidence अंतर Ex:  This is a previously unheard piece of music. उ:   उसमें इन दोनों दर्शनों में विशेष अंतर भी नहीं है। अंतरख Ex:  An island is a piece of land with water all around it . अंतरु Ex:  He transcribed a guitar piece for mandolin. अंश Ex:  I didnt get the coda of that piece of music. उ:   कुछ अंश का अनुवाद भी प्रकाशित है। अंशप्रदान Ex:  She is practising a new piece on the piano.
Practise ancient customs.
अंशभूत Ex:  This piece of music has Lata on vocals. अक्षरन्यास Ex:  the piece has a fast rhythm अक्षिनिमष Ex:  Shahjahans piece de resistance was the Taj Mahal. अग्नियंत्र Ex:  This ivory piece is remarkable. अग्रसूची Ex:  A piece of the Tea set is missing. अग्रहर Ex:  He omitted a piece of work. अधरांगा Ex:  A piece of grit got into my shoe. अधौत Ex:  This painting is a piece of modern art. अपरभाव Ex:  For cutting this piece of cloth properly I need a pair of scissors. अपित्व Ex:  he used a piece of tape for a belt अपित्वी Ex:  A piece of rock fell here. अम्र Ex:  For cutting this piece of cloth properly I need a pair of scissors. अवकर्त Ex:  A long narrow flat piece of wood is called plank. आँस Ex:  the piece went to the supplier defectively. आंतःपुरिक Ex:  triangulate the piece of cardboard आदेवन Ex:  The piece was found to be defective. आबखुर्द Ex:  She tied a piece of rope to the branch with the help of a long stick.
She has a beautiful rope of corals.
आबखुर्द Ex:  She tied a piece of rope to the branch with the help of a long stick.
She has a beautiful rope of corals.
आर्टिकिल Ex:  The dentist dislodged the piece of food that had been stuck under my gums इख्तिलाफ Ex:  It is a good piece of tracery. उदाहरण Ex:  He was gagging on a piece of mutton. उ:   उदाहरण के लिये मधेपुरा जिला का विकीपृष्ठ देखें। उपकारण Ex:  the piece ended discordantly उरेहनापु Ex:  he performed the piece amateurishly एक सेट में से पृथक Ex:  Her brother is always free with a piece of Advice for everybody. कर्मचेष्टा Ex:  This piece broke off . कलाकृति Ex:  I will divide a piece of cake with you . उ:   इसकी कलाकृति आज भी पर्यटकों को अपनी ओर आकर्षित करती है। काँज Ex:  It's a fur piece to the library . कारय Ex:  John has dibs on the last piece again . कारि Ex:  This little piece keeps falling off . कारिज Ex:  She put her dibs on the last piece of cake . कार्य Ex:  Look, just say your piece and get out of here . उ:   कार्य का बोध कराने वाले शब्द को क्रिया कहते हैं। कालविभक्ति Ex:  He snatched up the last piece of cake . किबो Ex:  I would like a piece of cake . कृंतत्र Ex:  Das Liebesmahl der Apostel is a piece for male choruses and orchestra कोटेशन Ex:  This piece was written for Alisa Weilerstein and the St. क्षण Ex:  Though most planes are pushed across a piece of wood उ:   वे उसी क्षण अपने गणों के साथ अन्तधर्यान हो गये। क्षिण Ex:  Starters can be obtained by taking a piece of another starter and growing it खणपु Ex:  This piece is now known as the Memorial. खण्ड Ex:  Keaton described her role as "the everyman of that piece उ:   यह ऑकार का प्रथम खण्ड पूरा हुआ। खाँडा़ Ex:  Is every religious ritual a piece of performance art खुंट Ex:  As a piece of living tissue खुंट Ex:  As a piece of living tissue गलखाँसी Ex:  When the piece was first played for Spielberg गिट्ट Ex:  Matthew Arnold commented that Tolstoy's work is not art but a piece of life. गुंफ Ex:  Each chess piece has its own style of moving. गुलचानापु Ex:  When a piece is captured घेवरनापु Ex:  In the endgame, the king is generally more powerful than a minor piece चशणजदन Ex:  Twain published a second piece of travel literature छण Ex:  It was in this form that the piece was first published . छेती Ex:  When choosing a musical piece to accompany his scenes ज्येष्ठांश Ex:  He considers a piece of wax टुकड़े ठिक से बैठाना Ex:  "Summertime" is by far the best-known piece from the work टुकडा Ex:  A later piece in the same magazine called The JAMs "the hottest उ:   एक जल्दी गर्म होने वाले लौह का टुकडा हथौड़ा मारने पर टूट जाएगा। टुकडी़ Ex:  It was simply a piece of tape with "Halloween" written in marker. ठटनि,ठटनी Ex:  While it remained a popular stage piece through the 18th century डोलनि Ex:  Kentucky’s bow was removed and shipped in one piece across Hampton Roads तमसील Ex:  A right in rem is a right to a specific piece of property तागा मिलाना Ex:  Another piece was taken from the final episode of television's The Fugitive तार्तीय Ex:  Each piece in the chess set had a small तुफक Ex:  The piece was very well received at its premiere तोप Ex:  The piece is modal in flavor उ:   सूरी भी एक तोप के गोले से जल कर मर गया। तोफाँ Ex:  One piece went through his left arm and shrapnel entered his leg. थेगली लगाना Ex:  His object was to produce a piece full of tragic situations नरिबाहना Ex:  "a specific piece of recorded information generated नाडूक Ex:  Although he physically participated in the creation of this piece नाणक Ex:  The Kanga is a piece of clothing about 1.5 m by 1 m निजामत Ex:  They are traditionally made from a single piece of wood or spherical calabashes निबंध Ex:  Fish had swallowed the last piece उ:   आपको अंग्रेजी निबंध पर भी पुरस्कृत किया गया। निर्मिति Ex:  The Bavarisaurus is in a single piece निर्वाह करना Ex:  A piece of US Navy slang for Halsey's actions is 'Bull's Run' निवेसना Ex:  Another lengthy piece पद् Ex:  The album was another transitional piece for the group परिपारना Ex:  In actual practice, it needn't be that long to dapu a piece पीस Ex:  It creates a "space" or "void" in a piece पेबंद लगाना Ex:  Sing me a little song and I'll give you a piece of sugar . प्रवंद Ex:  A beautiful piece of architecture प्रवाच्य Ex:  A Mozart sonata was the piece Resistance concert प्रसंजन Ex:  A musician who runs a piece of his composition फेरफार Ex:  A piece cloth बँदूख Ex:  A piece five kopecks बंदूक Ex:  A piece heavy gauge उ:   बंदूक लड़ाई के दौरान निवास के अंदर आग भड़क उठी थी। बठाना ‡ Ex:  A piece of a dime बदुख Ex:  A piece of a frank, two francs, five francs बाँटचूँट Ex:  A piece of beef बिचहुत Ex:  A piece of bread बिहसनि Ex:  A piece of candle, a cigar-end, Piece remains a candle, a cigar burned largely बीचु् Ex:  A piece of cloth which is held by falling बेँड़ Ex:  A piece of cotton बैठाना Ex:  A piece of five sous of Dimes, twenty under बैसाना Ex:  A piece of flat metal thin, and usually longer than wide भाग Ex:  A piece of game उ:   यह केप टाउन के पश्‍िचमी भाग में स्थित है। भागहार Ex:  A piece of gold, silver भागार्था Ex:  A piece of hay भित्त Ex:  A piece of jewelry too ornate भित्त Ex:  A piece of jewelry too ornate भिन्नात Ex:  A piece of land भूमिभाग Ex:  A piece of land consisting of many hectares भोगवस्तु Ex:  A piece of land of six hectares मिसाल Ex:  A piece of machinery is used to say All pieces, opera, tragedy, comedy, whose representation required machines उ:   लोग मिसाल देते थे कि वे दो बदन एक जान हैं। रचना Ex:  A piece of meat उ:   यह दूसरे विश्वयुद्ध के बाद लिखी गयी रचना है। रस्न Ex:  A piece of string राशिभाग Ex:  A piece of Swiss cheese रुपिक Ex:  A piece of wood लगाना Ex:  A piece of wood उ:   उसने यह भी सलाह दी थी कि जजिया लगाना सुल्तान का मजहबी फर्ज है। लवाजमात Ex:  A piece of wood लिखत Ex:  A slice, a piece of bacon लेख Ex:  A small piece of land उ:   लेख अपने आप मे संपूर्ण हो। वइसाना Ex:  A two-piece, four voices, a piece of music with two, four written parts for the song वखरुह Ex:  All of a piece, one piece वखरुह Ex:  All of a piece, one piece वटन Ex:  Architecture structural piece that receives the floor joists that match berries वर्णदूत Ex:  Arts Building a unique piece by welding fired several pieces वसत्त Ex:  Arts Draw on a piece of wood you want shape, a straight line, rubbed with a line of white or red वस्तु Ex:  Ask singing, Place on the narrowest face a stone, a brick, a piece of wood, etc उ:   अब विदेशी वस्तु बहिष्कार आन्दोलन ने भी बल पकड़ा। वस्तुगत Ex:  be all of a piece is said of things which are of one piece वाक्यप्रबंध Ex:  Big, small, good piece विचाल Ex:  Biting into a piece of bread विचेष्टित Ex:  BREAK, in Theatres, says when the representations of a piece is suspended or the theater is closed for any reason विधानविधि Ex:  By analogy, Gagging a door, close the outside with a piece of wood विप्रकर्ष, विप्रकर्षण Ex:  By extension, in terms of the Arts, he Grosse says a piece of wood and ended with two journals to which a bell is suspended विभजन Ex:  Clamp the gallows, Giving against this piece विभिदा Ex:  Colloquially and jokingly say two words one block, Use a good piece of pie विसामग्री Ex:  Cover a piece वृधसानु Ex:  Crumple a piece of cloth, a dress, paper वेष्य Ex:  Currency piece of gold, silver, etc वैतालिकव्रत Ex:  Cut a piece वैशिष्टय Ex:  Cut a piece of beef in line with व्यायुक Ex:  Cut a piece of clothing, a coat, a dress व्यावर्ग Ex:  Cut, practicing it a notch, a stone, a piece of wood, etc व्यावृत् Ex:  CUTTING means even in a fabric Cut it need to make a piece of clothing शौबा Ex:  Detach a piece of fabric a piece that serves to sellers to indicate to customers the color, fabric, etc षड्भाग Ex:  Direction of an automobile, piece part of the body that is used to direct this car सँजोऊ Ex:  Drill a board, a piece of wood संचय Ex:  END-rhyme, in the singular, is said to consist of a piece of data on the rhymes उ:   समाज के भूखे भेड़िये उसके संचय को तोड़ना चाहते हैं। संविभजन Ex:  Floating Japanese Clothing and sleeves, but one piece संस्त्याय Ex:  Fry a piece of meat सन्निवेश Ex:  Garnish with a flower hat, Garnish with parsley, vegetables, a piece of beef सन्यासन Ex:  Garnish with bacon a piece of meat सब्त Ex:  Giving play, represent a new piece समुच्छय Ex:  Grate a piece of wood before polishing the सरजाना Ex:  Grosse Arts wooden piece that puts it under a wall under a framework under a ship under construction, in mined lands, to support the सराजाम ‡ Ex:  harpsichord piece सर्जना Ex:  He also said the Trait that finishes a small piece of poetry, as a madrigal, an epigram, a song couplet, etc सर्वांग Ex:  He bought the piece of land which bounded on the west साजसामान Ex:  He caught a good piece of this series, it has been much सानिया Ex:  He gave us a poor piece सामग्री Ex:  He initialed every page of this piece उ:   पूजन सामग्री बालक के हाथ में दी जाए। सामान्यवचन Ex:  He said again, in terms of art, a piece of wood shaped arc that is used for carpentry works and between mainly in shipbuilding साहित्यिक रचना Ex:  He said specifically, in terms of Railways, a cast piece upon which some rails सिक्का Ex:  He sold his furniture piece by piece उ:   यहाँ की खुदाई से हाल ही में शातकर्णि का सिक्का मिला है । सिरजन Ex:  He thought as a piece of cloth adorning a woman's hat behind सिरताज Ex:  Hear a piece of Vespers सेट Ex:  Heating a piece उ:   दूसरे सेट में वीनस ने शुरू से ही दबाव बनाकर रखा। सोरभखी Ex:  I ate a piece before leaving सौँजाई Ex:  I received half a piece of this wine हिस्सा बखरा Ex:  In language Racing, Pole of Post arrival or absolutely, Upper piece of wood or iron, usually topped by a disc, which marks the end of the race हिस्सा Ex:  In terms of Anatomy and Botany, be welded, is welded to said portions, first or generally distinct, which are joined or united located so as to form a single piece उ:   जिसका मनुष्य भी एक हिस्सा है। हीँसा ‡ Ex:  In terms of Arts, he said is a steel piece for connecting the rails to each other हुशकाई Ex:  In terms of Blason, he said, a gold piece or Silver हेतुमान् Ex:  In terms of Blason, talking Weapons, Weapons whose main piece recalls the name of the family to which they belong ह्रित Ex:  In terms of Carpentry designates a piece of wood lying horizontally below foot of a strut, or serving as entering a height मोहरा
As verb : जोडकर बना लेना Ex:  Another magnificent piece of architecture is the Fine Arts Palace जोडना Ex:  A small piece of wood
Other : कड़ी जोड़ना Ex:  Paul arranged the piece for piano . कत्तल Ex:  Ann bit a piece off and chewed it up . काट Ex:  I have dibs on the last piece of cake . उ:   इसके पश्चात कम काट लेकर काम को उसके ठीक नाप पर लाया जाता है। कुटका Ex:  A piece of paper was later found on which he had written his last statement. खंड Ex:  Men wear a loosely wrapped piece of cloth that goes down to about the knee उ:   इस खंड को मूल रूप से जोहरी बाजार कहा जाता था। खण्डयोजन करना Ex:  Given a piece of Free Software गिट्टक Ex:  The players alternate moving one piece at a time . गोटी Ex:  If the piece makes a capture उ:   परंतु पाणिनि काल में अक्ष चौकनी गोटी और शलाका आयताकार गोटी होती थी। चिंदी Ex:  By embedding a suitable piece of code in an HTML post उ:   चिंदी किसी चीज के बहुत ही छोटे टुकड़े या धज्जी को कहते हैं। चिट Ex:  The piece began, "Edgar Allan Poe is dead. उ:   वो कागज में उन दोनों का नाम लिख कर एक चिट उठाने कहती है। चिरकुट Ex:  Stravinsky began forming sketches and ideas for the piece टुकड़ा Ex:  " piece from A Few Good Men उ:   फिर उसने एक टुकड़ा उठाया और दोबारा सीढ़ी पर रख दिया। टुकडा़ Ex:  The same piece also quoted Sheryl Garratt टुकड़ा Ex:  The piece is written for full choir टूक Ex:  A piece titled "A Sporting Occasion" is the traditional closing theme उ:   टूक टूक होइ कै बिहराई। दाना Ex:  Stone Mountain is the largest piece of exposed granite in the world. उ:   दाना छाँव में डाल देना। नग Ex:  A 2006 opinion piece in the Jerusalem Post newspaper described him as "a friend परखचा Ex:  There is a saying that goes "a short piece requires three months पैबन्द लगाना Ex:  Over 40! Among them a seminal piece of work on semiotics . बन्दूक Ex:  A piece of beef मद Ex:  A piece of land that enclave to another, Who lead in another one, which is prolonged रचनांश Ex:  A piece of music written for five voices or five instruments शतरंज की गोटी Ex:  Delete an essential piece
Piece ki paribhasha : ekatr ya sngrah karane ki kriya nyaay men vaaky ke paaanch avayavon men se tisara jisak saath saadhy ka saadharma्y ya vaidharma्y hota hai khad na rakhakar kuchh vishraam ki sthiti men karana utani vastu jisani kuchh adhik vastu men se alag ki jaay rupae, paise aadi par ki raajakiy chhaap ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana ek prakaar ka bahut bad astr jo praaya: do ya chaar pahiyon ki gaadi par rakha rahata hai aur jisamen oopar ki aur bndook ki nali ki tarah ek bahut bad nal laga rahata hai mitti ka saaancha jisamen kada, pachhua ityaadi dhaalate hain ek hi prakaar mel ki kai chojon ka samooh vah vyaakhya jisamen anek maton ka sngrah ho
Usage of Piece in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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