Meaning of (पद्) pad in english

As noun : post Ex:  He was given the post as a reward for services
seat Ex:  As the seat of government office Ex:  The office of Ulster King of Arms title Ex:  Modern geometry is the title of a popular textbook by Dubrovin rank Ex:  In terms Procedure, creditors These come in order concurrently, they are at the same rank charge Ex:  Exit charge step Ex:  The album was highly acclaimed as a giant step in recorded opera in its time place Ex:  The other interview took place just as the Bond was being established. incumbency class Ex:  In the Vedas, Vishnu appears not yet included in the class of the Adityas term Ex:  The term "yeast" is often taken as a synonym for S. cerevisiae grade Ex:  The E-8 and E-9 levels each have two ranks per pay grade position Ex:  Despite having enjoyed a privileged position for many years foot Ex:  Ymir's foot bred a son and a man and a woman emerged from his armpits pin Ex:  Push a ball to the pin deck leg Ex:  " and escaped, despite a broken leg suffered in the leap. fart verse Ex:  Thus he reads each verse primarily allegorically rather than literally. proportion Ex:  South Dakota has the fourth highest proportion of Native Americans of any state numerator component Ex:  The principal component of the Solar System is the Sun degree(s share Ex:  A Teller Assist Unit may also share many of the same components as an ATM percentage Ex:  Thus, Ryan's winning percentage was only . degree Ex:  Thomas Wallace received a law degree but never actually practiced law. item Ex:  If the reader believes that a paid advertisement is in fact a news item section Ex:  The northern section of the Highland Rim nugget snatch piece Ex:  The album was another transitional piece for the group clip base Ex:  The base borders Guinea-Bissau and Senegal to the north element Ex:  The Dry Salvages treats the element of water, via images of river and sea.
Suggested : a number of persons forming a separate class in a social hierarchy or in any graded body the distinguishing name of a book, poem, picture, piece of music, or the like a room, set of rooms, or building where the business of a commercial or industrial organization or of a professional person is conducted something designed to support a person in a sitting position, as a chair, bench, or pew a place on or in which one sits a strong piece of timber, metal, or the like, set upright as a support, a point of attachment, a place for displaying notices, etc
Exampleपद् का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(पद्) pad can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : pad

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