Politeness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Politeness
As noun : अखलाक Ex:  Because imperatives can already include politeness
अशोच Ex:  An exact politeness लियाकत Ex:  False politeness व्रीड़न Ex:  It is also the name and said, with a kind of disdain, a person who is not manners and politeness is gained to the city शिष्टता Ex:  It is used instead of Ton, talking to one person, out of deference or politeness उ:   कोरियायी भाषा अपनी शिष्टता और विनम्रता के लिये प्रसिद्ध है। संप्रश्रय Ex:  It means action by extension, contrary to politeness process
Other : भद्रता Ex:  Burn politeness विनय Ex:  He has knowledge, but lacks politeness उ:   विनय में उसे केवल 'राहुलमाता' कहा गया है।
Usage of Politeness in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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