Meaning of (लियाकत) liyakata in english

As noun : skill Ex:  Absolutely, this is a man who negotiates with great skill उ:   प्रधानमंत्री लियाकत अली खान की रावलपिण्डी में हत्या कर दी गई।
competency उ:   उस दौरान लियाकत अली खान उनके दाहिने हाथ की तरह काम करते थे। ability Ex:  With huge databases of past games and high analytical ability उ:   इस संबंध में देसाई लियाकत समझौते का विशेष महत्व है। competence Ex:  Treaty of competence उ:   कानपुर से भाग कर लियाकत अली मुम्बई में वेष बदल कर रहने लगे। qualification capability trial Ex:  They were: The first trial started on 22 February 1855 accomplishment vocation faculty Ex:  Classes began on October 4, 1876 with 40 students and 6 faculty members. merit Ex:  A man of weight, a man of importance, consideration, authority, merit gift Ex:  The apostles had the gift of tongues, by the infusion of the Holy Spirit character Ex:  Filmation revisited the character a few years later for an animated Shazam! worthiness expediency fettle fitness Ex:  Repairs, mending, fitness in a state sufficiency sense Ex:  In this sense they have some similarity to the much smaller globular clusters. eligibility ability Ex:  With huge databases of past games and high analytical ability उ:   इस संबंध में देसाई लियाकत समझौते का विशेष महत्व है। nature Ex:  The nature of that body aspect Ex:  A remarkable aspect of her style asset Ex:  Giving provide asset strength Ex:  Agassi's serve was never the strength of his game virtue Ex:  Confucius's ethics may be considered a type of virtue ethics. quality Ex:  There are various words used to refer to the quality of being a woman. value Ex:  He thought the single tax should be placed on the natural value of the land. talent Ex:  Father Peter Julian Eymard recognized Rodin's talent and goodness Ex:  It is moderately intelligent but redeems himself by his goodness attribut efficacy force Ex:  Paris has no municipal police force thing Ex:  Adjust, set the price of commodities, goods, any other thing whatsoever deserts benefit Ex:  Consider how you would benefit this party property Ex:  As of 2002 the most common crimes in Canberra are property related crimes acquirement capability might Ex:  Charles II dissolved Parliament because he feared that the bill might pass. ability Ex:  With huge databases of past games and high analytical ability उ:   इस संबंध में देसाई लियाकत समझौते का विशेष महत्व है। capacity Ex:  It has a capacity of 105 tons and an MTOW of up to 833,000 lb . power Ex:  Legislative power is vested in both the government and the bicameral Parliament retention encouragement Ex:  With the encouragement of Alphonse Briart morale Ex:  The physical greatly affects morale, and morale physically politeness Ex:  False politeness civilization Ex:  Toys excavated from the Indus valley civilization include small carts manner Ex:  Commonly, as usual, in a conventional manner grace Ex:  The figures of this group have full poses boldness and grace elegance Ex:  His style is distinguished by elegance comity culture Ex:  Creole culture is basically a culture that is a culture that takes from French niceness urbanity civility Ex:  It also tells of civility Acts , agreed testimonies of deference that individuals give themselves to each other complaisance polish suaveness gentility suavity
As adjective : potential Ex:  Despite his potential
Suggested : Law
the examination before a judicial tribunal of the facts put in issue in a cause, often including issues of law as well as those of fact the quality of being capable capacity ability a quality, accomplishment, etc, that fits a person for some function, office, or the like the quality of being competent adequacy possession of required skill, knowledge, qualification, or capacity power or capacity to do or act physically, mentally, legally, morally, financially, etc
Exampleलियाकत का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of लियाकत:
1. -जहां पर पहले से ही मौजूद मेरे अब्बू लियाकत खां, अम्मी शहजादी... bhaskar.com2. - कराची के लियाकत नेशनल हॉस्पिटल और कम्बाइन्ड... bhaskar.com3. इसे लेकर जोधपुर स्थित उमस के सचिव लियाकत अली ने आयोग के समक्ष आपत्ति पेश की है
(लियाकत) liyakata can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender . Transliteration : liyaakata

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