Procure meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Procure
As verb : आसादन Ex:  I have to procure a book for my sister .
उपलब्ध करना Ex:  It means by extension state of sufficient wealth to procure the conveniences Life उपसंघात Ex:  It still means Causer, procure to be जिहान Ex:  Put someone in a position to do something Him procure ease, average जुटाना Ex:  , Bringing water to the mill, procure for himself or to his own benefit, profit, for its industry, by its address उ:   संगीत समारोह का उद्देश्य संगठन के लिए धन जुटाना था। दलाली करना Ex:  , The Shoemakers are the worst shod, It is often not provided with benefits that is most scope to procure by his condition, its location, etc परिगम Ex:  , The Shoemakers are the worst shod, usually We neglect the benefits that is most scope to procure by his condition, its location, etc प्राप्त करना Ex:  It also means Deliver, procure to be लाति लाधनापु समासादन
Other : आकर्षित करना Ex:  His job was to procure young girls for his clients. उपाप्त करना या कराना Ex:  Ménager something to someone, the procure the book it
Procure ki paribhasha : jise paane ka hak ho do ya adhik vastuon ko paraspar is prakaar milaana ki ek ka koi paarsha्v ya ang doosare ke kisi paarsha्v ya ang ke saath dradhataapoorvak laga rahe
Usage of Procure in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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