Meaning of (जिहान) jihana in english

As noun : going Ex:  I am going into selling computers.
exit Ex:  Nevada attempted to exit the harbor. passage Ex:  This passage has led to one longstanding tradition that Moses grew horns. seek out Ex:  Zappa then became convinced that he should seek out Varèse's music. command Ex:  On May 10, Spanish forces at Fort San Cristóbal under the command of Capt. attain Ex:  Some attain wind speeds of more than 300 mph receipt Ex:  Give receipt have back spanner reach Ex:  Supersonic aircraft can reach speeds faster than sound. inherit Ex:  The sons of an affected male will not inherit the trait from him gain Ex:  There are other ways in which an open system can gain or lose energy. net Ex:  Its net migration rate is +0.38 per 1,000 worm into come in for take Ex:  Clear the decks and take your seats . chase Ex:  A good, solid chase spot Ex:  Improvisation is a musical idea created on the spot win Ex:  India secured their first Test series win in New Zealand in 41 years. hit Ex:  Typhoon hit the Florida coast. wrest from light upon worm way into light on Ex:  1996, the United States Coast Guard dismantled the light on Navassa. run down scoop get Ex:  Stop dorking off and get busy . catch Ex:  This alleged cure is only one catch collect Ex:  Yahoo! could collect the most data about commercial Web users score Ex:  Stuyvesant graduates had an average score of about 1410 . bowl Ex:  A bowl of earthenware, porcelain, silver insure Ex:  I will insure against all risks . contract Ex:  The Council's Hall Manager signed a contract with the women gather Ex:  In Game, Pick up maps, maps, The meet, gather the work Ex:  As I expected, he left work early again . chalk up draw Ex:  Ask a thing for established, admit hypothetically, then in order to draw any induction buy Ex:  I always buy old used cars . carry Ex:  Two elected Constables carry out the decisions of the Douzaine world Ex:  They include: In the developed world earth Ex:  In low earth orbit the atmospheric density is about 100 nPa universe Ex:  Tales of the Black Freighter is a comic book within the Watchmen universe
As verb : earn Ex:  Open a shop and earn money . find out Ex:  His talent will not find out what s' exercise accomplish Ex:  When asked what he was trying to accomplish with the film obtain Ex:  TISCO steel could not obtain orders for rails until the war emergency. pick up find Ex:  We can find peregrines in zoo-parks. achieve Ex:  There is no shortcut to achieve success. receive Ex:  For 2007-08, these colleges will receive $167.7 million in SUNY appropriations. derive Ex:  "I fear I did not derive from it all the advantages that I might have done". obtain Ex:  TISCO steel could not obtain orders for rails until the war emergency. attain Ex:  Some attain wind speeds of more than 300 mph reap elicit procure Ex:  Put someone in a position to do something Him procure ease, average enable Ex:  These would enable the scientists to continue their rocketry experiments. conciliate Ex:  Winning, captivate, to conciliate the good will of someone secure Ex:  Going beyond calls from Republicans and conservatives to secure the border acquire Ex:  The nine major partner nations plan to acquire over 3,100 F-35s through 2035 realize Ex:  The purpose of Surat Shabd Yoga is to realize one’s True Self as soul find Ex:  We can find peregrines in zoo-parks.
Suggested : to direct with specific authority or prerogative order to gain or get in return for one's labor or service a portion or section of a written work a paragraph, verse, etc a way or passage out the act of leaving or departing departure
Exampleजिहान का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(जिहान) jihana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : jihaana

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